Our Clients

Here are some of the clients we have helped with their procurement needs.

Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Texas Department of Criminal Justice

The TDCJ is a prominent correctional agency in the United States, responsible for various aspects of the criminal justice system. We are happy to have assisted them with their procurement needs. Our commitment to confidentiality prevents us from sharing specific details about the projects we've undertaken for TDCJ. However, we are proud to be a trusted partner, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with them in the future. We're dedicated to supporting TDCJ's mission while respecting the sensitive nature of their work.

Texas Commision on Environmental Quality

Texas Commision on Environmental Quality

They handle things like air quality, water quality, waste management, and more. They also have a lot of data that needs to be managed and analyzed. We've been working with them for a while now, and we're proud of the work we've done together. We're proud to be a part of their team, and we look forward to continuing our work with them in the future.

The Attorney General of Texas

The Attorney General of Texas

The Attorney General of Texas is the chief legal officer of the state. They're responsible for representing the state in legal matters and providing legal advice to the governor and other state agencies. They are one of our prized clients and we are dedicated to ensure a smooth procurement process for them. We're proud to have worked with them, and we look forward to doing so in the future.